The Social Economic demands of the world can be overwhelming yet simplified. People need, hope, jobs, opportunity and resources to improve the quality of life as we now it. The Joy of Jesus Church has opened The World of Ex-Change Center where one could find opportunity http://wcex.blogspot.com/
Rev. Dr. James A. Lee is Pastor of The Joy of Jesus and CEO of JDK & Associates as well. Our mission is purely rooted in social economic development. We are in the business of helping people to develop of of their potential to live a better life and to help others in the process.
The Joy of Jesus Church Programs aim is to provide both hope and opportunity. These programs as follows:The Jobs/Career Center; The Business Development Center, The Educational Center, The Parenting Skills Center, The Poverty Center,The Health Center, and now The Green Technology/Business Simplex to generate opportunity today. We also have a Faith Center that includes a World Ministry Department to restore ones faith.
Our Toolbar program raises money at no cost to the user. It is Free, yet raises money to help the needy. The Joy of Jesus Church is growing and moving forward to helping people help themselves through faith and resources. Do help us, and give to The Joy of Jesus today http://thejoyofjesuschurchonline.blogspot.com/
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